Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The times they do fly by

So I consider myself somewhat of a half finishable person. I have several brilliant ideas, and I have several things I want to do with myself, and projects I want to create, and places I want to go. These projects I only really finish about half of.

Blogging is one of those things. I could be on a great streak, and then months (or years in my case) could go by and I have not completed anything, or updated my life at all. This possibly stems from the fact that I really think my life is unnecessarily boring and mundane. Or it could just be that I am a lazy fella.

Either way, here I am again in my attempts to blog. Somewhat upon request from a friend, and somewhat upon the fact that I feel like I have so many things to say and so little of it that is actually said, or said for people to hear or read. I am even terrible at writing in my own personal, my eyes only journal. It leads me to feeling guilty and confused, and then I find myself apologizing for not ever writing in my journal, and that I HOPE it can forgive me. In all honesty I think that I should just stop making myself these promises that I am not going to complete. So when I blog I blog... and this is me reattempting to get back (or get started rather)a blog.

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